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Le Seigneur des Anneaux/The Lord of the Rings Poèmes/Poems

Ici sont archivés les poèmes inspirés par l'oeuvre de Tolkien. Différents personnages de la saga de fantasy sont ainsi mis en lumière.

Here are archived my poems inspired by the epic fantasy of Tolkien. Several characters are thus enlightened by poetry. Enjoy!





Aerlinn an Eowyn
A poem dedicated to Éowyn, inspired by her part in "The Return of the King".
French and English translation of the Sindarin.

Poem on .Merry’s thoughts on the battlefield, after the Witch-King's encounter.

Come to Me
A poem dedicated to the character of Boromir, speaking of his love for Gondor.

Honour and Friendship
A poem describing the two sides of Legolas: the warrior and the friend.
Winner of Parma's fourth poetry challenge.

Naergon en Haldir
A poem, part-English, part-Sindarin, based on "The Two Towers" movie, speaking of Haldir's death.

Such Pain
Gollum has always been a multi-sided and mysterious character. Here's my vision of him.
Written for Parma's sixth poetry challenge.